Add Scale to SVG and PDF Export for Screens
My biggest pain point in production for mobile right now is the inability to scale vector assets in Export for Screens. X-code prefers PDF assets be imported at 1x size. Android Studio prefers that SVG assets be smaller than 200x200 px. When I have large templates of icons or other assets that need to be sized differently for different purposes, it is crippling to have to resize these.
For example, I have a set of icons that are used for a glyph font. These are all sized at a scale of 1000pt high. In order for me to export this same set as svgs for Android, each image and artboard must then be resized to below 200 px in order to do an export. Not fun when you have 300 to resize.
Another example is achievement badges where I need to export 1x PDFs or small, medium, and large badges. Again, when you have hundreds of graphics, this is an immense amount of production work that could be saved if Scale were available for vector assets on Export for Screens.
I know that vector assets are fully scalable and the size of the export should not matter. Unfortunately both iOS and Android dev environments have quirks that favor sized vector graphics.