Touch bar customisation with actions
It would be awesome if illustrator CC could have touch bar customization with actions. I already use some of the build in touch bar buttons, and I though it would be awesome to have the option to add actions to the touch bar. For example, having like a little actions folder on the left or the right side of the touch bar that when open, will show all of the actions and other folders inside. Then you could just tap on the touch bar to trigger an action. I know that you can already set actions to trigger on function keys, but for MacBook pro users, that can be kind of annoying especially if you have a lot of actions. so you would have to hold down fn + (modifier key if you have that many actions) + F(number). I just think it is not very intuitive.
It would be awesome to see this is the next version as actions are extremely helpful and the touch bar is just so convenient.