Finished art / dtp related issue
New Bug
in the latest version of AI , overprinting type objects all of a sudden have the correct colour i asigned & the correct overprint or knockout behaviour in the attribute field, however, if you generate seps or activate seperation preview it shows that type boxes remember their previous colour & setting - however they are showing the newly assigned setting but the behaviour does not match
i believe it originates if type boxes are grouped to other type boxes or objects, if i have a group of various elements, it should allow me without ungrouping & entering each individual type box, to change the obkect as a whole unit, in its colour & overprint behaviour. The program currently misleads the user, displaying things correctly but its not correct on a techmnical level.
there is no benefit to this function & in the previous version i was not forced to go into each text box & double check if it Acvtually has my chosen colour & attribute.
Its a programming error from where i am standing as it doesnt benefit anyone to have hte entire group look correct, but in fact it could be three colours and two different overprint behaviours - this only creates varioubles that are not needed.