PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE add the Alt/Option key functionality from XD!!!
I know there is the measure tool. I wish it functioned like XD where holding Alt/Option and hovering over an object will give you the exact distance.
It's super frustrating to switch between Adobe products and have no consistency. One shortcut to zoom in an app does something entirely different in another.
Yes, I understand they are different apps but you force people to subscribe to multiple apps instead of allowing people to see a project to completion in one single app. I can learn one or two apps inside out and backward - I cannot learn 50...

Maureen T'o commented
Yesss, I totally agree! Every other graphic design tool (Figma, Sketch, even Xd) allows this. It's SUCH a pain that I have to guess the distance between objects or use guides unless I import into Xd/other graphic design tool! How does this idea only have 3 votes?!