Boolean modes for Selection tool: Add / Remove instead of Invert with Shift only
If you drag Selection Tool while holding Shift over already selected objects it deselects them. This can be very frustrating in some cases, for example if you have to carefully select and delete multiple patches of overlapping shapes. Instad of just holding Shift and dragging a selection box multiple times and then deleting, you have to select, delete, select again, delete and so on.
It would be nice for Shift key to only add to selection without deselecting, and (for example) for Alt key - to only subtract.

Rob commented
THIS. So much THIS. How can it not be better designed after all those years?
Rob commented
This is SO lacking in Illustrator. Guys at Adobe, take a look at what happens in 3DSMax or AutoCAD int his field. It's not acceptable for a program as old as Illustrator not to be at least a little better with complex selections. Shift for add, Alt for subtract, and Shift+Alt for exclusion. Simple, basic boolean operations.
Hayden Newton commented
This is a spectacular feature request, especially as someone who works back and forth between Illustrator and CAD/3D Modeling (Rhino). I would love the option to use Shift+Click for add to selection and Ctrl+Click to remove from selection, or even have the option to use the direct selection tool in addition only or subtraction only mode similar to the rectangular marque tool in Photoshop, although this would be more cumbersome.
Anonymous commented
Currently, when making complex direct selections, the Direct Selection Tool only allows addition or inversion of current selection, either by drawing a selection box or by clicking individual vertices (while holding Shift). This is kind of silly. It would be way more straightforward for the tool to allow either addtion, subtraction or inversion of selected vertices (you know, using Shift, Alt of Shift+Alt, respectively).