Illustrator 2019 23.0.1. sucks. I have been using adobe tools for over 20 years and this is the worst update you have ever released. Not only does it take forever to open any app including InDesign, PS, ILL and acrobat, but then it constantly freezes. I can't get any work done. You keep raising the price of the subscription, but your updates cost me more in time troubleshooting than anything else. The very basic grouping and selecting a group doesn't work in the new illustrator, I am using the most up to date OS on a 2 year old iMac. When I place an image it doesn't show, the app hangs on every little thing I try to do. The tools I select don't do what they're supposed to do. I can't grab a group of points and rotate. Now, I have to download an older version to try to get my project completed. Please be more professional and do proper testing with professional designers before releasing this kind of garbage. I know you can do better than this.