CC cloud library "view by group" option when relink images...
The addition of "view by group" option to organize assets has become paramount to manage great projects. But... I've faced the problem that when I want to relink any file from Cloud Libraries, the panel appears without any grouping or organization, needing to search through houndreds of individual asstes, manytimes sharing same name, and small enough to be undifferenciated each other.
goodtimes12342 commented
Nor can you use the search feature at all to find things that you've labeled. Basically the relinking button is useless. If you have a lot of items in your library it makes more sense to search/access them normally and then drag the item to your workspace.
helloharbor commented
Viewing by Group when relinking is no brainer. Viewing by group when browsing but not when relinking is so much of a crucial design flaw that I'm infinitely close to call it a bug. There's no point in reshuffling all the assets when I already see it in the libralies window by browsing.
Anonymous commented
Same problem.
I use Photoshop and Illustrator all the time, it wolud be great if someone attends this request. -
Edu Couchez commented
I mean... appears a short text with ellispsis, so I have to go over each thumbnail to pop up the full name...
Edu Couchez commented
Again... need to update a clud element in a AI document. The project with which I'm working have almost 100 small cloud design elements. When use the "relink" panel, all graphic items are rendered in a small thumbnail view without any distinctive name visible.