SVG code for current document visible in non modal view
When fine-tuning SVG files, the ergonomics of the workflow are far less than optimal. This is especially problematic because SVG supports only a subset of what is possible in Illustrator.
A round trip to some other app, or viewing code via the export modal feels awkward and is certainly time-consuming. Worse, it takes me away from the main Illustrator editor where my art is actually visible/editable.
Can't we have a panel which shows the SVG code 'live', without having to visit the file menu. It need not be an editable code view, but 'pretty printing' and perhaps code folding would be extremely useful! This panel would be kept in sync with the current document (when open). The SVG export settings might be present as controls on the panel, but otherwise it could just use what is set in the Save As... dialog box.
Tightening this feedback loop would take a lot of the guesswork out of SVG production with Illustrator.
9-slice scaling, for example, is not supported in SVG - and the only way to find out is to try and fail.