Batch action to include Image Trace with ignore white plus expand
I would like to use Image Trace including advanced setting ignore white, plus expand to get paths, in a batch action. I can do these as separate actions, but not in combination on one image and not at all as a batch process. I confirmed this is a limitation of illustrator currently with your support reps in live chats. If you could add this in your next update that would be great! Thanks.
Anonymous commented
I found a way to batch convert (image trace) in Illustrator with all the settings you want: Here is how:
Open Illustrator (2020). Create a preset in Illustrator for tracing (goto "Windows > Image Trace"). I made a preset and called it "BW-No-White". The preset is set to convert to black and ignore white (= ignore white backgrounds). Then open "Adobe Bridge". Within Bridge, go to the folder where you have your bitmaps that you would like to batch convert to vectors. Within Bridge, Select "Tools>Illustrator>Image Trace". Select your preset (which you set up prior in Illustrator). Set you destination folder and click OK. That's it. Not intuitive to find, but works!