Let us customize what commands and shortcuts are in the right click popup context panel
Allow users to select what shortcuts or tools, actions, etc... appear in the default Right click popup panel.
The same way we can choose which tools show in which docks i believe it would improve productivity speed tremendously for users using mice or devices that either have awkward or no hot key peripherals. eg a a laptop or wireless keyboard that has strange key arrangements. non cintiq users ... even cintiq users could benefit... esp. mobile users in tight places where you can't fold out wireless shortcut devices like on trains and planes, buses, cars etc...
It started with me wishing i could just have the cut and paste options in the right click panel but now I'm realizing i use so many actions over and over during each project it would be great if i could just set those actions in that panel early on each project start -perhaps even save different right click panel layouts and name them to be loaded depending on the type of project.
thanks for considering!