Sign in concomitantly with different accounts:
Please - Adobe - remember that what you think is your "user" takes many forms. Please, also remember that we are pulled and pushed by all competing platforms that try desperately to create hindrances in the pursuit of their own ecosystem.
We may need to have two different accounts running on the same computer due to legacy files - programmed obsolescence at it's best, hopefully soon unethical.
We may need to have two different accounts running on the same computer because of ethical issues (personal professional use vs. company's professional use). Some of us designers / photographers work on location environments, and should not be using precious productive time dealing with an artificially created hindrances on switching accounts + should be able to manage accounts and contents in a segregated and controlled manner.
Very seldom you've produced quantum leaps worthy of this mess you're creating with unneeded upgrades and ecosystem buildups. Remember a typical user nowadays deals with these competing ecosystems (in my case, MS, Google, Adobe, Autodesk) daily.