Variables issues with images paths
Hi all,
am currently using "Data merge using the Variables panel". The following article does not have enough information for me:
The issue lies with the photos
My photos are not stored locally but in our company's shared google drive folder
So instead of having a link: C:\Photos\BillTucker.jpg this is how an image link would look like: /Volumes/GoogleDrive/My Drive/Automation/scljwhj2uqvn8ajetqhn.png
From the article, I've understood that it can not contain blank spaces. I wanted to know if there was a way around and if other users have had this issue.
Thanks in advance

krousen56 commented
If you use a variable library (Adobe's term for importing a CSV or XML file) that's XML, you can have spaces in your image's file path.
For example, file:////Volumes/GoogleDrive/My Drive/Automation/some photo image.png
In the xml dataset the the url is between the variable tags, and it's unquoted. For example:
<your_image_variable> file:////Volumes/GoogleDrive/My Drive/Automation/some photo image.png</your_image_variable>Converting CSV spreadsheet to XML is easy using a Bash script. There might even be some online tools for this.