MAJOR PROBLEMS!! Cache/Scratch NOT assigning to my selected Drives
No matter how many times I un-install and re-install Illustrator, the program WILL NOT ACCEPT when I select a destination to my specific and dedicated Cache/Scratch SSD. I have a permanent studio setup with the latest MacBook Pro 64GB of RAM.. Everything was custom built the best it could be in April of 2020. The second I open Adobe Illustrator, my Available RAM goes from around 55GB to 124MB?!!!!!!! I know it's a RAM heavy program but that is insanity. Nothing is that heavy or works like that. Its forcing a notice to pop up from my Mac saying that I need to free RAM IMMEDIATELY! or close the problem application/s. I can't even open Illustrator half the time to even bother with the main problem I'm having which is I cannot for the life of me dedicate a **** cache / scratch drive. Upon closing and restarting the program and locating back to preferences > Plugins and Scratch.. It is always back on "Startup".. IT NEVER REMEMBERS THE DRIVE I SELECT. ALSO.. Photoshop does the same freaking thing! At least it lets me select cache/scratch.. But it never uses them! It ONLY uses the DEFAULT Startup location that was set upon installation. I also have the same problem with Lightroom. NOTHING... NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING puts cache where it's supposed to go, which is in my dedicated.. $380.00 dollar SSD that is set aside specifically for program cache.. Apple's Final Cut Pro X and Motion have zero problem using it.. ONLY ADOBE.. Please STOP TAKING MY MONEY AND FIX THESE ISSUES. IF NOT I WILL BE FORCED TO USE 3RD PARTY SOFTWARE AND I DONT WANT TO. Adobe is the industry standard for a reason and Ive been using for many years now, but this is beyond unfair and ridiculous... I can take my skills and adapt albeit unfortunately.. I'll attach a screenshot that clearly describes the ILLUSTRATOR issue and where its happening.. And how it's putting everything on my MAIN HD instead of the EXTERNAL SSD of which I've dedicated just for Cache/Scratch. Also, NEITHER of MY Illustrator OR Photoshop are purging their cache after exiting the program. Even after uninstallation numerous times over, and opening a fresh document with Zero Layers, Zero anything.. My cache sizes are already 20/40+GB. THEY WILL NOT EMPTY/PURGE/Whatever is leftover somewhere or anywhere or whatever is being instantly and consistently created. Not even my scrubber (Clean My Mac X - Thank God for them or your programs would leave me with maybe a 5 minute window to work..) can find these hidden files. It can find the basic obscure ones which are hardly just enough to keep me scraping by at the moment.. Your move.