Version History - a couple feature requests
I sorta like the new version history option. It's at least kinda a step towards the history panel so many people want. There are a couple of features that I think would improve it. (If these already exist and I'm missing them can you teach me where they are?)
My first request is adding an option to save at anytime you choose. This only saves every 5 minutes. Say I make a bunch of changes in only 3 minutes. I'd then have to wait 2 minutes for it to create a save point before I could choose to revert to a previous version. I have noticed that if you choose to revert before it's saved your most recent change it will still create a current timestamp however it takes even longer to revert back to it. For example (sorry this will probably be confusing): Say I have two previous versions. One at 7:00 PM and another at 7:05 PM. I decide to do a few quick color changes and move some things around. It's now 7:08 PM. I can't go back and compare the 7:05 PM version or choose to save my current state so I can immediatly return to it. I can choose to go back to the 7:00 PM version. That's not helpful if I made changes between that and the timestamp I really want to return to. If I revert to the 7:00 PM time my 7:08 PM version is technically saved. At least a timestamp is added for it. However I've noticed it then takes 10 minutes before I return to it. It would make things a little smoother.
My other request would be a quicker way to save or export a version as a separate file. Currently you can just revert to a version and then choose to save as and create a new file. It's not really that hard or slow but still. It would be nice to have the option right there on the panel. It could be added to the "•••" next to the timestamp. Like this:
6:00 PM ••• Name this version
Revert to this version
⇨ Save this version ⇦