Please turn the eyedropper into a cursor for multiple text formatting
Indesign allows you to drag over multiple words within a text box, or over various different places to apply a text attribute with the eyedropper tool. ie, the eyedropper when hovered over the text actually becomes like a cursor, so you can just swipe over the text to apply the attribute. Please can Illustrator have this same feature. Otherwise we have to use the cursor to locate the word, then shift+arrow right to highlight it, then click to apply. It's a bit annoying and time-wasting. The eye-dropper turning into a cursor when hovering over text is much more useful.

Valérie Gariépy commented
Anonymous commented
This should function like the InDesign tool where I can click on a piece of styled type and then highlight plain text and it picks up the colors, font choice, and font size.
It's slows down the workflow when I have to highlight a piece of text, then select the eyedropper tool, then click on the styled type when I have 10 or more names and titles to apply the style to.