Temporarily disable snapping while dragging objects or anchor points
Currently when you move objects or anchor points while you have Snap to Point and/or Smart Guides turned on it is necessary to stop what you're doing and switch them off then switch them back on again when you've finished moving.
This is very disruptive to workflow. Productivity would be significantly increased if there was a modifier key set to disable all snapping while moving an object or anchor.
Obviously all modifier keys and combinations are currently used up for use before clicking an object or starting a process. However the control key (similar to its function in Photoshop) or a combination could surely be set to only perform this function if the object is already in motion, being dragged.

Niko commented
YES! I was just about to make this very same feature request. It would be incredibly powerful and efficient to be able to micro manage your vertex points while using both snapping and temp snapping. Using snapping and being able to disable it temporarily by just hitting e.g. ctrl or alt key during moving would be so amazing. Other programs already have this feature for years!