Remove the 'Drawing Area' (dark grey area behind artboards)
The 'drawing area' behind artboards limits where you can place items (especially masked items that fall off this area), it limits the number of artboards, and limits how freely and where I can place multiple artboards. It also has no purpose at all as far as I can see.

Al commented
The 'drawing area' behind artboards limits where you can place items, especially masked items that fall off this area, limits number of artboards, and limits how freely I can place multiple artboards.
If you want 40 artboards (for say storyboarding) but want more than 10pixels between each, you can't. If you have masked a large drawing and need the invisible masked items to sit outside the Dark Grey drawing area, you can't. If you have a lot of artboards but want to place characters for use by other designers, animators outside your artboards but have many artboards you struggle.