Resize Images Shortcut
When resizing images or objects, there should be a way to constantly have things stay proportionate without having to hold down shift the entire time. I would suggest the caps lock key since it carries the same function when typing out letters.
Anonymous commented
The times I want to resize an object proportionately vs disproportionately is at least 10:1, so I am CONSTANTLY pressing and holding shift as I work. I can't understand why proportionate scaling is not the setting by default. At the very least there should be a preference to toggle default scale behavior, as well as how you want top/bottom/side scaling to works be default. In lieu of that, your caps lock button idea is cute, though it would interfere with typesetting.
I sincerely hope Adobe reevaluates Illustrator's fundamental scaling behavior in this regard. Most other apps now scale proportionately be default, including other Adobe ones.