3D from Illustrator to CC library via obj format (to after effects)
Hey there. Don't know if anyone here also follows After Effects news, but they just added something pretty cool :
Support for OBJ import from Libraries
Now import OBJ 3D model files from your Libraries into your compositions
In addition to GLB and GLTF, the capability to add 3D model files from your Libraries into your composition is now extended to OBJ 3D model file format. You can add OBJ 3D models to your Creative Cloud Libraries from Adobe Stock, your local system, or your After Effects projects.
Learn more about importing 3D models from Creative Cloud Libraries to your project.
That makes me ask if we'd have a chance to get a "+ add 3D object" to the + button in the CC libs panel.
If CC libs can handle 3D models AND another software (here, Ae) uses them, then it would be the right time !