Trackpad / Mouse Panning Function
The current panning function is only possible for touch with 2 fingers.
Would be really nice to have a panning function or tools like the desktop version when used on desktop mode (using ipad with external keyboard & mouse/trackpad)

Brown Bread Video commented
It works in literally every app but illustrator, I NEED to be able to pan around the canvas using two fingers on the trackpad
Brian M. commented
This is one of the big differences for me personally. I need to zoom in above 100% an pull out frequently so its a pain no being able to make a continuous path using the pen tool.
Éricky Hendricky commented
I agree, I use the Smarth Keyboard with Ipad Pro and it is not possible to use the function in Adobe Illustrator, and in Photoshop it works normally.
Dave commented
Would also love this for iPad! When using with a mouse and keyboard feels a bit awkward having to pan using on screen gestures.
Martilas commented
I would like to see the ability to pan with the spacebar and mouse on iPad version. And also with double finger on trackpad. I feel its a bit annoying to touch the screen since im using the ipad as a laptop replacement.