Add right-to-left (RTL) language support (Persian, Arabic, Urdu...)
Add right-to-left language support, Persian, Arabic, Urdu... etc
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Ghadh commented
Hi , I was happy that we can download Ai on my IPad but sadly The Arabic text not support it yet please solve this problem soon … I am going to cancel my subscription unfortunately
amr gharib commented
I removed the app from the ipad for the RTL Arabic issue problem
Blouser Shop commented
This a necessity and a must, I don't understand why it wasn't added in the first place
Kenan commented
We need arabic on illustrator ASAP FOR IPAD
Ali commented
Supporting Arabic language in typing
Wicon Art commented
Without RTL support, Adobe illustrator for iPad for is useless for a wide range of users around the world!
sara commented
It would be very nice if you add this feature, so many illustrators would love to make Arabic Illustrations on the iPad using Adobe Illustrator. Please fix it.
Faizuddin commented
Im from Singapore. Please here us out, the arabic market is huge in our time. Please fix this, Adobe. Get the RTL setting done asap.
Samaa commented
Please we need this for arabic , words Are broken . Thank you so much .
Shmuel Traxler commented
Add support for Hebrew
Anonymous commented
We need arabic on illustrator ASAP FOR IPAD
Saad Al Shehri commented
Add right to left RTL language support
Ahmed commented
Even small apps supported arabic language. Shame on you, a large design company is late in updating the simplest features.
Abdullatif Junaid commented
We are in 2021 and you do not know to be globally yet?? There is so many arab programmers you can hire someone to make it!!! Or change the team leader with someone know how to support large market like Arab designers, there is many of app we are thinking to move to it.
Ryan Alharbi commented
البرنامج بحاجة ماسة للغة العربية
ابويوسف الحربي commented
We want Arabic language
Nawaf Almutiri commented
We need Arabic language
منيره حمد commented
نريد اللغه العربية بالبرنامج !؟
We want Arabic language -
Raghad commented
I can’t type in Arabic from right to left
fay commented
We want Arabic language