Add drop shadows

Gopi Kramadhati commented
Both for objects and Text
i i commented
文字にドロップシャドウがiPad版でできたらとても便利です! -
Josi Maran commented
yes please!!! add drop shadows in the ipad
Bobby Falck commented
This was first raised in 2020, surely the Adobe team working on illustrator know that this feature is essential? Why should creatives bother otherwise? This should be highly up on the Product Managers agenda to add. How is the User Design process working at adobe if a in-demand feature for the last 2 years isn’t added yet? It can’t be too hard to add some convinent fx-effects?
Davey Dave commented
Add fx or just drop shadow to illustrator iPad 2022
Anonymous commented
The ability to use Gaussian blur or motion blur for highlights and drop shadows would be magnificent. I currently have to use Procreate and then attempt vectorizing the rasterized image and it’s not looking how I want it to look. I’m still learning the iPad illustrator app and it’s coming along. Keep up the good work!! Also, the ability to Sheer a shape for perspective uses. Affinity designer has this ability in the transform area.
Max commented
Please! This seems like it should be such a basic functionality. It’s something I use relatively frequently and that fact that it’s missing on iPad is astonishing.