Full screen mode
Would really love to see a pure full screen mode, and I think it would be nice to have the app go a little darker in UI than the current color. I think it would be beneficial from a UI perspective to have the undo buttons on the bottom in the toolbar or somewhere else on the button. Easier and quicker to reach that way. I think the UI would look a bit better with the top menu bar thinner. Would also be a nicer look if the tool bar was a floating panel rather than locked in place. Same with the right side bar. Think users would love this, and it would look really sleek. Basically I want to see the sleek UI of the desktop version brought to iPad. Not a direct copy or mimic. I mean with the iPad human interface still in mind and designed for it. I think these things can be achieved without sacrificing anything specific to iPad human interface guidelines.

AnnexOne commented
I agree with the majority of this.
The current iPad UI is too large relative to the toolbars and it would be nice to switch to fullscreen with floating toolbars, similar to the desktop version.