Problem with the connection between adobe cc, the redirection to the web and from the web to Illustrator Beta guided tuts.
-Operating system: Win 10 pro/ 22H2 version.
-System type: 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor.
Adobe Illustrator Beta.
I opened Adobe CC Desktop. I went to App button option and clicked on the top orange banner that it says "Recolor your world" in the "Get started" button, the one that it´s above the Intlled app list. The link took me to the web page from Adobe CC that says "We'll use the Creative Cloud desktop app to open Illustrator" and the desktop Illustrator opened, so far no problem. When Illustrator opened, it showed me a sign that says that there´s an issue with my Wacom driver (I don´t have my tablet connected right now and the driver it´s up do date) so I closed Illlustrator and opened it again from Retry in the web page and that sign didn´t pop up anymore. Intead of that, a demo vector illustration appeared and two or three extra windows made the atempt to open, wich I guess are the step by step recolor tutorial as usual but they closed instantly, like a flash and I was only left with the vector image. Si I closed it, I went to the CC web page again, in this part: Having trouble? Retry or get help. I clicked on Retry and the same thing happened, I did it like 5 times, I closed mi Adobe CC desktop, started all over but the tutorial windows inside Illustrator kept clossing and when I clicked Search tools, help and more ,then on other tuts like the one called Creative and Painterly effects another window attemped to open but it closed up and just the demo ilustration was there, the same thing.
I think It´s already a really messy connection to go from the Adobe CC desktop, to the web page and that the web page opens my desktop Illustrator, why not going from a desktop app to another desktop app that it´s already installed? At least for me, it´s quiet logical that this kind of issues are more likely to happen with all the steps that are in the middle. It looks like a programming connection issue to me (I can be totally wrong, just my opinion) but the clearer and simplier the instructions the code (in the programming) sends, the better, if there´s a maze between conecting 3 dots (desktop,web,desktop+tuts) , it´s more likely that something fails in the midddle of the conection attempt.
I leave the captions down below.
Thanks!! :)