Dimension tool, unable to choose a Spot color. v 28.1
So updated to Illustrator v 28.1. And with it came the blessing of the Dimension tool, however I've notices some irregularities with the settings.
Not sure if intended or not.
Regarding the selection of color, depending if you open the Dimension tool settings by double-clicking on the tool or via the "cogwheel" you get different functions.
Double-click you can select a spot color as the ink/color used for the measurements, for example using an custom color "measurement".
If you instead go to the settings through the "cogwheel" of the tool the option for selecting a spot color (färgrutor) is grayed out.
See attached image of these two settings windows, in Swedish but layout the same.
Not sure if it's intentional or some bug.

I confirm this.
However, the issue does not happen in Ai Beta, so there is a chance the next release will have it fixed.
Thanks for reporting it!