Illustrator 28.4.1 SVG Export Changed
When exporting the SVG with the screenshot Options, the code is generated differently than previous versions. For our company we use SVG files and edit the code and these new svg export files are not working properly once uploaded. I have uninstalled and reverted back to the old version and this has fixed my issue for now.
Rebecca, indeed, the team recently changed the way generation of SVGs works, following their long-term plan to unify SVG methods AI uses into one. From now on it should be based on Export As method. It solves a lot problems: generation speed, background generation, code readability, file size, redundant XML elements, compact CSS styling... the list is large, although I am not sure if Adobe ever published it publicly :(
And it definitely breaks some workflows!
Can you please bundle the files necessary to demonstrate your case (including original files, examples of the output before the changes and the current one, settings used), and send it over to — the team would like to see these.
Please also put the link to this report into the body of the email for tracking purposes: — thanks for not being silent. This helps a lot to make things right.