Intertwine tool
Inconsistent Print Results with Intertwine Tool
Keep edit Intertwine editable after pressing Ctrl+z · Resolved (Comments Open)
Improve intertwine for gradients on strokes and effects
Allow to group a single Intertwine object
Make Intertwine Edit mode telegraphed better
Intertwine with Live Paint objects
Intertwine bug when export as pdf X4 · Completed (Comments Open)
Add Expand command for Intertwine objects
Intertwine not working properly, when objects inside get moved
A group can’t be turned into an Intertwine object
Intertwine unknots in places on Expand Appearance and PDF Asset Export
app.selectTool('Adobe Intertwine Zone Marker Tool') does not work · Resolved (Comments Open)
Selecting all objects on layer via Layers panel not recognized by Intertwine · Resolved (Comments Open)
Intertwine objects expand when an effect is applied to them
Expanding Intertwine creates too many identical copies and doesn’t optimize them · Resolved (Comments Open)
Lasso tool in Intertwine is not the actual Lasso tool and needs a separate cursor
When exporting an intertwined object to PDF the selection trace is preserved in the saved file · Done (Available in Prerelease)
A rectangular marquee in Intertwine edit mode can’t be repositioned with Spacebar held