Improve intertwine for gradients on strokes and effects
Improve intertwine to allow gradients along a path before intertwine is made, then fully implement drop shadows to overlap intertwined segments. See attachment explaining workaround I produced along with high res rasterization to show where result is better than Illustrator display on monitor.

Anonymous commented
Now I see what you meant: Make the gradient "within stroke," then create mesh, then make gradient applied across the stroke. That works and it saves time. Thanks!
Anonymous commented
Egor, Thanks for your comments. Yes, I see the mesh with expansion. But I don't follow "If you change the mode back to 'within'... Where am I selecting "within" ?
Yep, makes total sense!
I can see what is happening here. When we make the gradient on strokes flow along or across, Ai secretly treats them as gradient meshes, that only look like strokes (and if you expand them, this is what you will get). And Intertwine seems to not know it should still detect intersections based on strokes! But indeed, if you change the mode back to 'within', then make them intertwine (which now works!) and then change the mode back to 'across' — there we have it, it works. So it CAN be fixed.As for the shadows... this would be technically almost impossible, I think. After building the masks needed yourself, you realize what it needs to calculate... But sure, voted.
Anonymous commented
Original Ai file is 35MB = too large to upload so jpeg of it is here to review.
Yes, you are correct! This is exactly because of the gradients on strokes.
See, gradients on strokes are not real strokes, they are dynamic gradient meshes inside of stroke-shaped clipping masks. The engine treats them like if they are strokes, but in this case, where two technologies interact, the integration fails.
This is a nice catch! Thank you, I’ve informed the developer.
Anonymous commented
your recreation is nice, could it be that my use of the stroke gradients factored in?
Anonymous commented
here you go egor
I tried to replicate the design to see if it goes berserk like you had... Please see the file — nothing similar happens...
Which made me think of a known bug which draws the same large regions when an intertwine object has copies of the same path inside. Are you sure yours does not have duplicates? -
Jude, can you please share this file here, if you are allowed, so that the team can investigate the problem and fix it?
Anonymous commented
The new feature worked great when i had 6 paths with 36 overlaps, but I pushed it and I got this when trying to intertwine these 7 paths with i think 116 overlaps.