fabian delvalle
My feedback
1 result found
142 votes
Hi Everyone,
This functionality is available in our latest release build – 27.6.1.
Illustrator remembers the last preset used for saving PDF files and keeps it as the default preset.
What's New in the release - https://helpx.adobe.com/in/illustrator/using/whats-new.html
Thank you for all the feedback.
fabian delvalle supported this idea ·
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My solution involves Applescript. Read below if you use Mac and are interested in using Sripts to solve this issue.
Okay so it appears that the admin on this thread is not understanding the point of the topic.
The point is not which settings are selected! That is not the point!
The point is that we want to have our own custom pdf preset be the one that is automatically selected when we go to save a pdf. I know it sounds like a stupid nitpick to have to use your mouse to go to the dropdown menu and change the preset to your own preset. It's only a second or 2 extra, but like many people have said on this forum; when you have to do this dozens of times a day or even a hundred times a day it gets very frustrating! It would be so much easier for your preset to automatically be selected when you are about to save a pdf and all you have to do is hit enter. That's the dream. We designers are obsessed with automation!
So Illustrator has failed us and they don't seem to understand what it is we even want. Now what?
My solution has been to go around this issue by creating a script. For anyone who is unfamiliar with Scripts, Script is kind of like code that you can write in your operating system that has the ability to control certain functions in your computer or applications, such as Illustrator. Enough mumbo jumbo, I created a script to use in illustrator which allows me to bypass the pdf prompts and options! I just created a pdf preset that fits my needs and saved it. Obviously it isn't the default, which is the problem. So my script takes care of that. If you need help understanding how to apply a script just look around online. It's not as hard as it seems. Anyway if anyone wants to dabble in the world of applescripting and solve this issue, the script code will be pasted below. Just replace the text within the quotation marks in the section "Your Preset Name Here" with the name of YOUR pdf preset. Copy all text between the colon at the end of this paragraph and the paragraph marked Summary. Script below:
set targetFolder to choose folder
set targetPath to targetFolder as string
tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
set user interaction level to never interact
set documenti to current document
set documentCount to documenti
set documentName to name of documenti
save documenti in file (targetPath & documentName) as pdf with options {class:PDF save options, PDF preset:"Your Preset Name Here"}
end tell
That is all you will need to make the system do what you need it to do. Now it's up to you to figure out how to apply it and automate it using illustrator actions to maximize efficiency in your pdf saving workflow. This is not the perfect solution but it is what I have used to get around this issue due to Adobe's incompetence or lack of understanding on this subject. It is not the perfect solution! I still have a few bugs I encounter sometimes and I derived this script from one I found online and made some changes for it to function better and worked out a few bugs. It is imperfect, but in some ways, it is even better than what I imagine would be Adobe's solution. Just a matter of taking it and working with it till you get what you want out of it. Good luck!