Set default PDF export preset
When saving as PDF the preset is always set to Illustrator standard and you have to manually use the drop down menu to choose the standard you need.
Most designers use always the same standard. I work for example in preprint and have to select X1a. It sucks to have to select this for every dingle file dozens of times a day.
Other designers struggle there as well and send us constantly PDFs that are not X1a because of this. They forget about the selection.
To ease up regular work flows it would be very handy to save this setting as a default.

Hi Everyone,
This functionality is available in our latest release build – 27.6.1.
Illustrator remembers the last preset used for saving PDF files and keeps it as the default preset.
What's New in the release -
Thank you for all the feedback.
Diane Tonic commented
We need this section to be set to the previously selected one. It keeps changing back to png every time I try to export. I 95% of the time only use PDF or Jpeg. Having to keep switching is daunting.
Rick Wallace commented
Quit illustrator, reopen and with NO files open go to EDIT> ADOBE PDF PRESETS and select DEFAULT. Got to say, can't imagine why anyone would use DEFAULT. I've proved in past posts that DEFAULT artificially inflates files to insane levels (.ai file with 3 paragraphs of text, 3 embedded images for a total of 9mgb, DEFAULT pdf file equals 31mgbs.. HOW??).
Jimmy Chjade Teglhus commented
But how do i set it back to the old style, where it chooses illustrator default every time, indstead of last used?
In my work i will rarely use the same twice in a row and often i use illustrator default.
Rick Wallace commented
How many of us are cheering - and have fingers crossed for turning Hyphenation off?! This one "only" took 5.5 years. But how many user ideas that involve web and drawing got done in the same time. Adobe thinks print is dead.
Eddie Deighton commented
Yes, this appears to work in the way I would expect to use it. Thank you!
On a side note, when this version is released, please remember to switch the lightbox prompts off for saving to the cloud and sharing files - I don't use them, they're not needed as part of my workflow and they're really, really annoying! -
Jonthan Jones commented
Thanks for the update. Can you clarify / state the steps on how to set this default up?
Corius commented
In case anyone still interested in this functionnality, I developped my own script to create multiple PDF export at once with different settings.
Script available on github. Current release is v3.6 (User Instruction "Multi-PDF Exporter 3-5 - Notice.pdf" created for v.3.5 is completely relevant though).
Release here : -
Diane Tonic commented
Looks like they changed it back to illustrator standard instead of using the previous selected when exporting. Please bring this back!
Eddie Deighton commented
If a native PDF export option is unachievable, can we not have Illustrator retain/remember the previous PDF settings I selected when I next choose to 'Save As' a PDF format? It always defaults back to Illustrator Default.
Michael Dubya commented
Woah, crazy there isn't a way to do this. It's so embarrassing to accidentally save a pdf with default settings and have hidden objects appear when the client tries to print. If you're needing to save several projects a day, it's so easy to forget to change the option once. I NEVER want to use Illustrator Default, and the way it makes invisible layers appear for printing is ridiculous. How is this not an option yet? This thread was posted five years ago.
Too many resources spent on their marketing and customer-money-squeezing department and not enough on making their product professional-customer friendly?
Silas Yamakami commented
While we wait for this change, we can use a script to save the file in the desired PDF preset.
Just save a JSX file with this code:
function saveAsPDF() {
var pdfFile = new File(app.activeDocument.path + "/" +'.')[0] + '.pdf');
var pdfOptions = new PDFSaveOptions();
pdfOptions.pDFPreset = "[PDF/X-1a:2001]"; //insert the preset name as it's written in Illustrator
app.activeDocument.saveAs(pdfFile, pdfOptions);
saveAsPDF()Then run the script by adding it to your Illustrator scripts folder or other methods like AutoHotKey, drag and drop... I use Streamdeck to run it.
To not have the warning every time you try to run the script, create this single time use script:
#target illustrator
app.preferences.setBooleanPreference("ShowExternalJSXWarning", false);
fabian delvalle commented
My solution involves Applescript. Read below if you use Mac and are interested in using Sripts to solve this issue.
Okay so it appears that the admin on this thread is not understanding the point of the topic.
The point is not which settings are selected! That is not the point!The point is that we want to have our own custom pdf preset be the one that is automatically selected when we go to save a pdf. I know it sounds like a stupid nitpick to have to use your mouse to go to the dropdown menu and change the preset to your own preset. It's only a second or 2 extra, but like many people have said on this forum; when you have to do this dozens of times a day or even a hundred times a day it gets very frustrating! It would be so much easier for your preset to automatically be selected when you are about to save a pdf and all you have to do is hit enter. That's the dream. We designers are obsessed with automation!
So Illustrator has failed us and they don't seem to understand what it is we even want. Now what?
My solution has been to go around this issue by creating a script. For anyone who is unfamiliar with Scripts, Script is kind of like code that you can write in your operating system that has the ability to control certain functions in your computer or applications, such as Illustrator. Enough mumbo jumbo, I created a script to use in illustrator which allows me to bypass the pdf prompts and options! I just created a pdf preset that fits my needs and saved it. Obviously it isn't the default, which is the problem. So my script takes care of that. If you need help understanding how to apply a script just look around online. It's not as hard as it seems. Anyway if anyone wants to dabble in the world of applescripting and solve this issue, the script code will be pasted below. Just replace the text within the quotation marks in the section "Your Preset Name Here" with the name of YOUR pdf preset. Copy all text between the colon at the end of this paragraph and the paragraph marked Summary. Script below:set targetFolder to choose folder
set targetPath to targetFolder as stringtell application "Adobe Illustrator"
set user interaction level to never interact
set documenti to current document
set documentCount to documenti
set documentName to name of documenti
save documenti in file (targetPath & documentName) as pdf with options {class:PDF save options, PDF preset:"Your Preset Name Here"}
end tellSummary
That is all you will need to make the system do what you need it to do. Now it's up to you to figure out how to apply it and automate it using illustrator actions to maximize efficiency in your pdf saving workflow. This is not the perfect solution but it is what I have used to get around this issue due to Adobe's incompetence or lack of understanding on this subject. It is not the perfect solution! I still have a few bugs I encounter sometimes and I derived this script from one I found online and made some changes for it to function better and worked out a few bugs. It is imperfect, but in some ways, it is even better than what I imagine would be Adobe's solution. Just a matter of taking it and working with it till you get what you want out of it. Good luck! -
Bram commented
yes please
Jayster commented
I would like this! I think Doug is referring to what I would LOVE... which is when creating a document in .ai format, for local print company print-ready files, they require a PDF, I have a preset that adds crop marks, etc. I "Save a copy..." for this purpose MANY MANY times a week. This would be HUGE if Adobe could setup to allow me to choose what is the default PDF preset that appears in the final PDF dialog box when saving.
Rick Wallace commented
What would save us all a LOT of time would be a "FAST PDF" proof based on active artboard.... i.e., you click on PDF symbol in the toolbox and ai uses default pdf setting and save as pdf loads and automatically gives you the save to menu to desktop (letting you assign a name or just hit return). This would be the best case scenario, as a stop-gap If someone here can write a script to do this, please post a response here (with a command-shift-something this would also save a ton of time)
Rick Wallace commented
Anonymous: you probably work in a relaxed, controlled environment - many of us don't have that luxury. In any given day I may have to create as many as 100+ pdf PROOFS to send to clients. That's not an exaggeration. Life would be easier if there was a "quick save to pdf" or the ability to have a preset AUTOMATICALLY loaded for pdfs. ALL my clients only need a low res pdf as a proof, but the default is an insane config that saves a file that is up to 3X bigger than the combined components in the file. Way back when Pagemaker had a fast "save this page as pdf" button, that would be ideal. But if not that we want to config the default "save page as" so we can just save a pdf and move on and not have to pull down menus. And no we are not crying about something small, if you worked in a fast paced high stress world you'd see the benefit of saving time on EVERY single job. Plus there's the times where you're in a hurry and pull down to the wrong setting and hit SAVE and have to redo it.
Anonymous commented
I am not sure i understand this right... but perhaps you are talking about saving custom Adobe pdf presets?
If yes it's pretty simple: when "saving as pdf" dialog is open you have the default presets menu that are impossible or hard to change permanently, but after you manually edit a preset you just press that little "download" icon on the right of the menus and it will open a dialog for saving your CUSTOM PRESET - name it and save it and it will stay there as one of the presets.
P.S. in order to delete (a custom) preset go to Edit->Adobe pdf presets (choose and delete using the trash bin icon)If you guys talking about changing the default presets - yes it could be useful if at least it DIDN'T APPEAR ON TOP OF THE LIST of the presets, because hey - no one is using that "illustrator default" preset, you have created an app for designers, maybe you should check with them what's the most common preset used, and still not to have it appear on top of the list because it's quite annoying.
p.p.s and can we find a way to bypass the annoying additional dialog when saving .ai file as another .ai file? really, no one ever touches that one either, so many many useless clicks happen in the universe. -
Corrie Williams commented
Totally agree - come on adobe, listen to your customers - save to .pdf (set smallest size to default) would save me hours a week.
Marcy commented
This has been annoying me too. Seems like it would be such an easy thing to do and it would help users so much!
Răzvan Comache commented
In "Save Adobe PDF" option dialog box, when saving as pdf, please, remember my last Preset selection as I have to keep reselection "Press Quality", for example, every time, because it always shows the default "Illustrator Default" preset.
it would be a time saving not clicking two more times in the saving process.