I am an ex-graphic designer who no longer work in the field but still get design jobs every now and them (about one a year). I am resorting to use other vector program since paying $45.99 AUD does not make sense when each project is very small. I would DEFINITELY purchase Illustrator if it was available to purchase outright as it used to be. Not to mention internet drops off often where I live. Please think of those who do not have perfect internet connection or who cannot afford the "contract" system.
I am an ex-graphic designer who no longer work in the field but still get design jobs every now and them (about one a year). I am resorting to use other vector program since paying $45.99 AUD does not make sense when each project is very small. I would DEFINITELY purchase Illustrator if it was available to purchase outright as it used to be. Not to mention internet drops off often where I live. Please think of those who do not have perfect internet connection or who cannot afford the "contract" system.