My feedback
2 results found
1 vote
Guides no longer disappear when dragged on canvas or from rulers. However they still do if you move guides together with non-guides objects. Happens in GPU Preview mode only.
Anonymous shared this idea ·
7 votes
The original toolbar with all the tools in classic arrangement is still available as 'Advanced' and can be enabled from Window > Toolbar menu. The currently offered toolbar is called 'Basic' and serves the purpose of making new users fell less overwhelmed with the amount of tools Ai has and display the most popular only.
A questionable decision, but it came with the possibility to make our own customized vertical tool panels. Read more about this here:
If you want to have horizontal toolbars (as a separate option, along with 'torn-out' groups), vote here:
If you want to be able to add dividers in toolbars (we lost them when customization had been added), vote here:
Anonymous shared this idea ·