It is VERY VERY frustrating. The purpose of vectors is to get the resolution and flexibility at any size--this totally defeats the purpose of using vectors in the first place. I am a surface pattern designer, and I generally import sketches to trace. The blips and blobs created by both the blob brush and the brush tool are maddening. I have had this issue since first getting Illustrator 5, and it has continued through CC. For the price of this program, and having it as the industrty standard, this is something that absolutely needs to be addressed.
It is VERY VERY frustrating. The purpose of vectors is to get the resolution and flexibility at any size--this totally defeats the purpose of using vectors in the first place. I am a surface pattern designer, and I generally import sketches to trace. The blips and blobs created by both the blob brush and the brush tool are maddening. I have had this issue since first getting Illustrator 5, and it has continued through CC. For the price of this program, and having it as the industrty standard, this is something that absolutely needs to be addressed.