Enable Gradient Annotator on strokes
When we are in Full screen and Want to edit Gradient on the Stroke It would be Great to be able to Enable the Annotator on to Change/Edit or move the stroke Gradient colors

Margaret Trauth commented
I've been using a lot of gradient strokes lately and I am *so* tired of typing numbers in the Gradient panel to set their angle. So, so tired.
Wikipedia tells me the gradient tool predates gradient strokes by about four years, but it's been *thirteen* years since both of them existed and maybe it's time to finally make the gradient tool know something about gradient strokes?
Guillaume RLN commented
Simple idea. Possible to apply gradient in the outline.
with the same tools. -
Shawn Hoglund commented
The gradient tool locks or is unresponsive when trying to adjust a gradient on a stroke. I've tried adjusting gradient modes, change stroke weight all without any success. It's also now affected my Illustrator 2019 as well so I assume its related to a common resource for both versions.
Chana Messer commented
Can we change the gradient tool so we can spread the gradient along a stroke with the gradient tool and not be limited to the 3 symbols on the gradient panel?