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Margaret Trauth

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    Margaret Trauth commented  · 

    Okay, I figured out a thing.

    Draw Inside *does* work with compound paths made via object>compound path>create, or other methods like expanding type or whatever.

    Draw Inside does NOT work with compound SHAPES made by alt-clicking on a top-row Pathfinder button.

    You can make a clipping mask out of a compound shape, but not via Draw Inside, and if you do make one via object>clipping mask>make, you can't get into it via Draw Inside.

    This continues to be a weird, annoying edge case that I'd love to see fixed sometime. :)

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    Margaret Trauth shared this idea  · 
  3. 19 votes

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    Margaret Trauth commented  · 

    Although honestly I would be fine with a separate effect to modify the depths of the objects passed to it:

    * reverse stacking order
    * stack left-to-right, right-to-left, up-to-down, down-to-up, or maybe just an angle dial for stacking order? that'd be super useful for "I drew three balls and blended them to make a necklace and I don't want to have to split it into two blends to make the right ball be the nearest one".

    actually heck with it, here's a new feature request for that:

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    Margaret Trauth commented  · 

    I ran across this one just yesterday and was annoyed by it :)

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    Margaret Trauth shared this idea  · 
  5. 33 votes

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    Margaret Trauth commented  · 

    This is ******* embarrassing, it took like four years for view rotation to go from the top-voted request to "actually a thing you can do" and it's still not finished, there's so many raw edges where things are aligned to the original rotation, arrow keys, dragging selection/zoom rectangles, holding shift, can we please get someone working on *fixing* all these annoying little things. No, let's add sloppy AI generation stuff instead. Why am I still using this program as my main art tool.

    Margaret Trauth supported this idea  · 
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    Margaret Trauth supported this idea  · 
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    Margaret Trauth commented  · 

    This dialogue. "An error occurred while processing the appearance of the object."

    Which object is the problem? I have no idea and I can have thousands of objects in a file. It takes me like a half an hour to do a binary search for this by deleting stuff. Extra frustrating given that when Illustrator generates this dialogue, it knows *exactly* what object is causing the problem.

    Tell me which one it is. Give me a button that will highlight this object somehow. It doesn't have to be a special new kind of highlighting, just selecting it (unlocking it and/or its parents if needed) and doing Locate Object in the Layers palette is enough.

    Margaret Trauth shared this idea  · 
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    Margaret Trauth commented  · 

    Awrite, I just installed 2025 (29.1, an update from the 29.0.1 I originally reported this on) and noted the following:

    * deleting this path on my original file did indeed fix this, both errors are gone
    * drawing a new single-point path with this appearance instantly causes the [IABD] and appearance processing errors, whether I'm in outline or cpu preview
    * this behavior exists in the gpu renderer too


    * your stripped-down file still generates both the [IABD] and appearance processing errors in 2025

    That's one more drink I owe you if we ever end up in the same place at a convention, I guess :)

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    Margaret Trauth commented  · 

    Oh wow, thanks for doing the digging on isolating this one, Egor! I will try to make some time to reinstall 2025 and see if I'm still getting the [IABD] error. It definitely makes a *ton* of sense for it to be a weird edge case with effects this update touched.

    (Here's a Reddit post from someone who's getting similar behavior except their first error is [!out] instead of [IABD], followed by the "error during processing appearance of an object":

    ....really I would kinda love it if there was a "show me the offending object" button on the "error processing appearance" requestor next to the "ok" button., I should make that feature request if it doesn't already exist.

    Margaret Trauth shared this idea  · 
  8. 5 votes

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    Margaret Trauth shared this idea  · 
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    Margaret Trauth shared this idea  · 
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    Margaret Trauth commented  · 

    1. Make a couple of layers.
    2. Draw some shapes in these layers.
    3. Select all of these shapes.
    4. Enable Perspective or Free Distort mode in the Free Transform tool, and drag a corner handle.
    5. Wonder why the heck Illustrator just completely ruined your layer structure.

    I just found this out ten minutes ago and I hate it. I hate how Puppet Warp shoves everything into a single group too but I think I hate this even more because doing a simple scale/rotation with the Free Transform tool respects my layer structure.

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    Margaret Trauth commented  · 

    Oh, a reboot fixed it. Good. No need to reset my prefs.

    I'm leaving this one up in case anyone else gets this one. :)

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    Margaret Trauth commented  · 

    Some asking around suggests that this may just be a My Installation Problem and not an Illustrator 2025 problem. Oh boy I get to try resetting my prefs I guess.

    But first I wrote an Applescript that looks at the current menu and figures out if it's "Show Edges" or "Hide Edges" and hits it. Except it takes a half a second when I trigger it via Alfred. Feh.

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  12. 3 votes

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    Margaret Trauth supported this idea  · 
    Margaret Trauth shared this idea  · 
  13. 4 votes

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    Margaret Trauth supported this idea  · 
  14. 33 votes

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    Margaret Trauth supported this idea  · 
  15. 8 votes

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    Margaret Trauth commented  · 

    I ended up fooling with 2025 this week and I want to note that while I didn't have any problems with the Pencil's accuracy suddenly dropping off a cliff, I *did* have a lot of problems with using it to edit paths. It's constantly generating a new path next to the one I'm trying to edit, or failing to detect me going back in to close paths (I work with the "close paths when ends are within X pixels" switch off so I generate a lot of open paths) and making a horrible mess.

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    Margaret Trauth commented  · 

    I have been seeing reports of this bug and it is making me super happy I always wait for a .1 release before upgrading. The Pencil's my main tool. I wanna see a postmortem on this one once it's fixed, how the heck do you accidentally change something like this and not have the internal testers notice?

    (Also I would suggest checking to make sure this isn't affecting the Brush, I haven't seen anyone reporting this but I assume that's using the same path smoothing code as the Pencil and Image Trace...)

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    Margaret Trauth shared this idea  · 
  17. 3 votes

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    Margaret Trauth commented  · 

    I still really want this. I've probably wanted this for a decade now. At least. I just never got around to asking for it here until 2022. I might have even asked for it in the old bug/feature database.

    I've *finally* found some workarounds involving putting the entire clipping group in another group and applying a complex appearance to the entire group, but I have to add a Pathfinder Divide effect with 'remove unpainted artwork' unchecked, followed by a Pathfinder Add effect, to *every stroke or path* I want to apply to the clipping mask, because Illustrator wants to remove the clipping path from consideration for these strokes and paths otherwise, and that's a hassle.

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  18. 39 votes

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    Margaret Trauth commented  · 

    I would still consider committing heinous acts in exchange for this feature.

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    Margaret Trauth commented  · 

    Hi. I still could really really need this. Please?

    I'm doing a comic right now that has sets of styles for two characters, plus an outfit variant for each of them, and a second outfit for one, plus an assortment of styles for the backgrounds, and my Styles palette is just stupidly gigantic. They make it super easy to draw a character quickly but scrolling through them takes an absurd amount of time and thought, I wanna be able to say "okay I am drawing Chloe in the dance costume so I need to open up the base folder and the dance outfit folder" and close everything else so I'm not trying to remember where everything is in this roughly sixty-inch-tall palette.

    Just imagine that every blank style in my screenshot with a name like " CHARACTER NAME" is a folder, that has a disclosure triangle next to it so I can open it and close it. Being able to nest style folders would be super nice, I could just say "Okay time to draw Chloe" and have all her alternate outfits lurking under her base styles, then finish drawing her and hide them all away with one click. But if that's too complicated, just having folders at all would be a MAJOR boost.

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    Margaret Trauth commented  · 

    I draw comics, and use Graphic Styles to keep my characters consistent across panels and pages.

    A simple character might involve a half dozen styles. A complicated character can involve a lot more - see the attached screenshot.

    Add in a good chunk of Graphic Styles for recurring background elements and I'm constantly dealing with triple-digit number of entries in the Graphic Styles palette. Finding the set of styles I want to use becomes an increasingly tedious process as pages get more complicated.

    I would like to be able to create folders of Graphic Styles, which I can open and close in a similar fashion to opening and closing layers.

    Being able to nest them would be nice; in the attached screenshot I have styles for two variants of a character's vehicle, with their own subsets of styles for drawing them at different sizes. Being able to nest all of these into "KIRT MECH" would be great for when I'm working on a page involving three giant robots fighting.

    I would also really really love it if these folders were preserved when pulling styles out of a style library, or when copying art to another file.

    Basically I have been using a LOT OF Graphic Styles to make some pretty complicated artwork, and I am finding myself direly in need of a way to fold away the parts of the complexity I'm not thinking about at the moment.

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  19. 11 votes

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    Margaret Trauth commented  · 

    I am looking back through the requests I've commented on and I still want to be able to assign a hotkey to this. I still can't. Maybe I can if I update, I'm still on 27.8.1 because the AI updates are less than worthless to me.

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    Margaret Trauth commented  · 

    I still want a hotkey for this. And an entry in the list of things you can record an action for. And a button sure would be nice in both places, too.

    Mostly I just want a hotkey because I do this ALL THE TIME.

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    Margaret Trauth commented  · 

    This one seems to have gotten fixed somewhere along the way. Or maybe I stopped doing it wrong. I dunno.

    Astute's "Path Visualizer" effect has made it really easy to be sure that this is working, thanks guys :)

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