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Margaret Trauth

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    Margaret Trauth commented  · 

    This one's still hilariously annoying and still there in 29.3.

    The only reason I'm not regularly swearing at this is because I went into Keyboard Shortcuts and removed the shortcut for the Perspective tool so I would never invoke the **** thing again. I've been using this program as my main art tool for *twenty five years* and turning this stupid widget off was a giant pain ********** for multiple years until I finally nuked the shortcut.

    Margaret Trauth supported this idea  · 
  2. 63 votes

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    Margaret Trauth commented  · 

    Weird, I just got email telling me this has a new status because it is supposedly something I supported, but it is not - I never even *use* the New Document window this is referring to, I'm still using the "legacy File New interface".

    Something's broken in Uservoice I guess?

    Margaret Trauth supported this idea  · 
  3. 2 votes

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    Margaret Trauth shared this idea  · 
  4. 39 votes

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    Margaret Trauth commented  · 

    oh since I've been asked a couple of times privately since that last comment: Mostly the rough edge in Sergey's rename script is UI stuff, especially the fixed dialogue size, which I believe is kind of down to the UI stuff Adobe makes available to scripts being pretty rough. In terms of functionality it’s done what I’ve needed quite handily; cloning it in Illustrator, except with a resizable window, would be a *heck* of a good start.


    Note that his script renames not just artboards, but also layers and selected items. It would be delightful if the native "rename" functionality this feature request involves building was available for all of those places, as well as everywhere there's a list of things - ideally every single palette that has a list in it should have a 'rename' button in its bottom edge, or maybe a 'rename' item in its menu! If you implement this for just *one* kind of entity that we have a collection of, we *will* start asking for it everywhere else. I wouldn't be surprised if there's *already* separate requests out there for renaming swatches, styles, layers, brushes, etc.

    Margaret Trauth supported this idea  · 
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    Margaret Trauth commented  · 

    Sergey's script is a pretty good start but it has a lot of little rough edges. Put this in Illustrator.

  5. 35 votes

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    Margaret Trauth commented  · 

    oh since I've been asked a couple of times privately since that last comment: Mostly the rough edge in Sergey's rename script is UI stuff, especially the fixed dialogue size, which I believe is kind of down to the UI stuff Adobe makes available to scripts being pretty rough. In terms of functionality it’s done what I’ve needed quite handily; cloning it in Illustrator, except with a resizable window, would be a *heck* of a good start.


    Note that his script renames not just artboards, but also layers and selected items. It would be delightful if the native "rename" functionality this feature request involves building was available for all of those places, as well as everywhere there's a list of things - ideally every single palette that has a list in it should have a 'rename' button in its bottom edge, or maybe a 'rename' item in its menu! If you implement this for just *one* kind of entity that we have a collection of, we *will* start asking for it everywhere else. I wouldn't be surprised if there's *already* separate requests out there for renaming swatches, styles, layers, brushes, etc.

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    Margaret Trauth commented  · 

    Sergey's script is a decent workaround but it has some rough edges. Get this into a requestor summoned by the Layers palette's menu.

    Margaret Trauth supported this idea  · 
  6. 3 votes

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    Margaret Trauth shared this idea  · 
  7. 3 votes

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    Margaret Trauth shared this idea  · 
  8. 4 votes

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    Margaret Trauth shared this idea  · 
  9. 2 votes

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    Margaret Trauth commented  · 

    Does After Effects have one of these? I don't think it does, I just see a plugin for it. Are they working on one? Go ask 'em. Maybe get a joint Illustrator/AE effort going so that they work the same, split it across both teams' budgets?

    Margaret Trauth shared this idea  · 
  10. 21 votes

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    Margaret Trauth commented  · 

    I've been using a lot of gradient strokes lately and I am *so* tired of typing numbers in the Gradient panel to set their angle. So, so tired.

    Wikipedia tells me the gradient tool predates gradient strokes by about four years, but it's been *thirteen* years since both of them existed and maybe it's time to finally make the gradient tool know something about gradient strokes?

    Margaret Trauth supported this idea  · 
  11. 3 votes

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    Margaret Trauth commented  · 

    I still still still want this.

    I've included a sample file to demonstrate why this makes me sad.

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    Margaret Trauth commented  · 

    I still really want this. I've probably wanted this for a decade now. At least. I just never got around to asking for it here until 2022. I might have even asked for it in the old bug/feature database.

    I've *finally* found some workarounds involving putting the entire clipping group in another group and applying a complex appearance to the entire group, but I have to add a Pathfinder Divide effect with 'remove unpainted artwork' unchecked, followed by a Pathfinder Add effect, to *every stroke or path* I want to apply to the clipping mask, because Illustrator wants to remove the clipping path from consideration for these strokes and paths otherwise, and that's a hassle.

    Margaret Trauth shared this idea  · 
  12. 2 votes

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    Margaret Trauth commented  · 

    29.3 still does not fix this.

    I'm still on 27.8.1 at the moment because even though I know what causes this I still do not want to deal with being annoyed every time I try to use the pen tool to draw a path with an effect that triggers this. Turning "new art has basic appearance" back on before drawing a potentially offending path would *technically* work around this but, just, no, I've had "new art has basic appearance" off for something like twenty years at this point, please fix this bug.

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    Margaret Trauth commented  · 

    Oh hey a new version. Is this bug fixed in 29.2.1? No it is not. Back to 27.8.1 for me!

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    Margaret Trauth commented  · 

    Awrite, I just installed 2025 (29.1, an update from the 29.0.1 I originally reported this on) and noted the following:

    * deleting this path on my original file did indeed fix this, both errors are gone
    * drawing a new single-point path with this appearance instantly causes the [IABD] and appearance processing errors, whether I'm in outline or cpu preview
    * this behavior exists in the gpu renderer too


    * your stripped-down file still generates both the [IABD] and appearance processing errors in 2025

    That's one more drink I owe you if we ever end up in the same place at a convention, I guess :)

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    Margaret Trauth commented  · 

    Oh wow, thanks for doing the digging on isolating this one, Egor! I will try to make some time to reinstall 2025 and see if I'm still getting the [IABD] error. It definitely makes a *ton* of sense for it to be a weird edge case with effects this update touched.

    (Here's a Reddit post from someone who's getting similar behavior except their first error is [!out] instead of [IABD], followed by the "error during processing appearance of an object":

    ....really I would kinda love it if there was a "show me the offending object" button on the "error processing appearance" requestor next to the "ok" button., I should make that feature request if it doesn't already exist.

    Margaret Trauth shared this idea  · 
  13. 8 votes

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    Margaret Trauth commented  · 

    I'm so tired of pressing and holding on the tiny, tiny little target of the Appearance palette's menu, sliding over to 'redefine graphic style', and occasionally mis-clicking and rearranging my palettes instead. So, so tired.

    There's other stuff that needs a keyboard shortcut and doesn't have one too but this is the one I feel the lack of on a constant basis, I'm *constantly* refining styles.

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    Margaret Trauth commented  · 

    It's four and a half years since I posted this. I still want this. Badly.

    I think this one's at the point where I should do like I did for "rotate canvas" and put an event in my calendar to start wishing this feature request a happy birthday.

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    Margaret Trauth commented  · 

    I still really want this. I'm still really tired of having to hit the tiny button to bring up the Appearance panel's menu, then navigate to the 'redefine graphic style' menu item.

    If this is a one-engineer-and-a-couple-afternoons project, I will thank you for doing this in the form of art, should you want something drawn for you. Seriously I do this all the **** time in my workflow and I would love to assign a keystroke to it.

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  14. 5 votes

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    Margaret Trauth supported this idea  · 
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    Margaret Trauth commented  · 

    I'm working on a commission for a client who has this type of color blindness and it would be really, really nice to be able to make sure it works for her.

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    Margaret Trauth shared this idea  · 
  16. 21 votes

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    Margaret Trauth commented  · 

    I just found this suggestion while looking for something else and yeah this sure would be nice, I was wishing for something like this just today.

    I *will* note some implementation issues I see with this:

    * multi-part pattern brushes are gonna be a big UI challenge

    * it feels like I spend a lot more time editing a scatter brush's *settings* than the actual art, usually with some sample brushstrokes on the canvas to see what's happening

    * do brushes expand effects once the initial art gets turned into a brush the same way pattern fills do?

    * actually now I think I need to go make a feature request for 'figure out how to store the original pattern art along with the expanded pattern art, and edit the former rather than the latter when I double-click on the pattern swatch", brb :)

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    Margaret Trauth shared this idea  · 
  18. 2 votes

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    Margaret Trauth commented  · 

    Oh yeah I know and love Toolshed's stacking order commands, I was delighted to be able to get rid of my old action that would create a blend, do object>blend>reverse front to back, then release the blend, in favor of just hitting object>arrange>stacking order>reverse stack order. Super helpful.

    Having it as a live effect makes it a lot more useful though. Generate a bunch of shapes with a blend or a scatter brush or a transform effect or a plugin, add in the Stacking Order effect, and it stays live when you tweak the underlying shapes.

    Oh and maybe some controllable randomness in the restacking would be nice too? Astute has this in the controls for their Symbol Stipple effect, but not in their Stipple effect, and not in their Halftone effect either, and the fact that I feel like I would love to see it in all three also makes me feel like it would be great to have in a separate effect. Maybe I should just go to the Astute Slack and ask for this, it really doesn't feel like anyone at Adobe gives a **** about any new features that aren't "generate some messy AI slop" lately.

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  19. 43 votes

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    Under Review  ·  Anish Kumar responded

    Hi All,

    Thanks for reporting this issue and sorry for the inconvenience caused. We are able to reproduce this issue at our end and it is currently under review.

    Anish Kumar
    Illustrator Team

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    Margaret Trauth commented  · 

    I just spent a half an hour repeatedly failing to copy about 250 objects with a lot of complex appearances and a dense layer structure into a new file. Maddening.

    I ended up getting it to work by opening a new file, dragging the objects into there, then dragging them from there into the original target file. You better believe I hit 'save' the *instant* I saw that it made it through. Can we get someone actually working on fundamental actions like this instead of yet another piece of image-generation garbage?

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    Margaret Trauth commented  · 

    Okay, I figured out a thing.

    Draw Inside *does* work with compound paths made via object>compound path>create, or other methods like expanding type or whatever.

    Draw Inside does NOT work with compound SHAPES made by alt-clicking on a top-row Pathfinder button.

    You can make a clipping mask out of a compound shape, but not via Draw Inside, and if you do make one via object>clipping mask>make, you can't get into it via Draw Inside.

    This continues to be a weird, annoying edge case that I'd love to see fixed sometime. :)

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