Add a swatch from a color inside a gradient in Adobe Illustrator
When you are working in a gradient, you may customize your colors inside. However, there's no way to add this new color as a swatch - or even to be given a HEX code. Let's make this more functional!

Actually, there is a way to do it.
1. Select the gradient stop
2. Deselect the art
3. In Color panel click the circle — 'Gradient Stop Color (click to cancel)'
4. Click Last color (the arrow button or the square next to it)
5. Add the selected color to swathes in a traditional way
Yep, this is a bit long way, but the operation is not very common too, right?
We can’t have a draggable stop — dragging it down from a slider in the panel removes it, and moving it up... what if my Swatches panel is below of Gradient? Does it mean I should drag it up and then down? will it undo the drag if I cross the panel? :)
I’d prefer just a context menu on the stop which allow several things.