Scatter Brush 'scatter magnitude' slider
I would like to see a new pair of sliders in the scatter brush options that controls how 'powerful' the scatter is.
Each instance of the brush image would have its distance from the central path, as defined by the 'scatter' slider(s), multiplied by this value. So if it was at 0%, any effect of the scatter sliders would be completely nullified, if it was at 1000%, the effect of the scatter sliders would be multiplied by ten.
Essentially, I would like to be able to control how 'wide' a scatter brush is based on my stylus pressure. The existing 'scatter' control just directly maps light pressure to the value of the left slider and full pressure to the one on the right, which results in the brush art being deposited in a line that wiggles around the path. Which is rarely what I want.
More broadly it would probably be nice to be able to make a scatter brush’s size, spacing, and rotation vary with stylus pressure/tilt/bearing/whatever. Scatter is just the setting I most keenly feel the lack of this with.

Margaret Trauth commented
It is 2022 and I have finally found a workaround for this wherein I don't use Illustrator's scatter brushes at all; instead I use Astute's Dynamic Sketch plugin to draw paths with variable widths, and their Symbol Stipple plugin to turn those paths into a bunch of randomly-placed shapes. It is kind of awkward to set up but it does work and it sure would be nice if there was a simple "scatter magnitude" slider in the native scatter brush settings.