Square wave live effect.
Gears. Crenelations on castles. Zippers. These are a few things whose border can be described by a square wave. Or by a rectangular wave.
But you can't do this easily in Illustrator. Oh, you can add a dotted line to a shape - but that's an awkward workaround. How about a new live effect?
effect->distort & transform->crenelation would bring up a new live effect where you can apply square waves to whatever object you're affecting.
Suggested parameters:
- size - similar to the size parameter in roughen/zigzag, this would control how far the generated path deviates from the original path
- pulse width - a slider to control the relative lengths of deviations to one side versus the other
- possibly something to induce a slow change in the pulse width as we progress along the path
- possibly an option to randomize the pulse width
- the usual smooth/curve point options that roughen and zig-zag have

[Deleted User] commented
Yes! Square wave generator would be PERFECT! So to provide parameters like hight, frequency etc.
It would make my work so much easier!