path eraser tool - erasing multiple path selection (worked in CS5, does not in CC)
I jumped from CS5 to the current CC version of illustrator. As a technical illustrator, I often need to erase portions of paths. The easiest method for accomplishing this task is to select all the paths I intend to erase portions of using the "path eraser tool" and simply go from path to path erasing what I need using the "path eraser tool". This function works properly in CS5 but at some point afterwards has been lost.
However, as soon as you erase a portion of the first path, all selected paths are unselected except for the current path being erased. In CC, I have to individually select a path then erase, select another path then erase, a process that is very time consuming and tiresome. Someone raised the question if "keep paths selected" was checked in pencil settings. This settings only appears to "keep" paths selected for the newly drawn path...not paths being erased using the "path eraser tool".
I've attempted to use the standard "eraser" tool for this purpose, though, the erased results on paths using the "eraser" tool are very unpredictable (rendering the eraser useless for erasing paths) as it changes the control points and handle values as well as generally erases too much.
Why did this path eraser tool function vanish in CC??? I need it desperately as I am sure most users would value it's return as well.
It's been three years since an original post to the community forum, can someone at Adobe please kindly respond here??
Thanks in advance.

Tom, I checked CS6, CS1 and Illustrator 10.
Each version I tried loose selection for all path selected, leaving only the one that was altered in the selection, with or without 'Keep path s selected option'. Maybe it worked only in CS5?
And actually I don’t recall this as a thing... Why do you think it was? It’s not that I am asking for a proof, but I’d like to see if this ever worked.
An option might be useful indeed, the tool is lacking one.