pencil tool selection behaviour adjusmtent
A detail that im missing from the legacy pencil tool.
Its a missing detail in the option keep to path selected or deselected after being drawn.
When this option is unchecked the object is deselected.
If the path is selected again to be drawn upon to adjust the shape. It deselects it again.
Now thats all logical and according to what the option says its supposed to do.
The legacy pencil tool before its rewrite it worked almost like that but not quite the same, and it was great.
So you had the option to have the path deseletced after drawing.
BUT if you den reselected it it stayed selected for as long as you needed it to adjust the shape.
So to be clear im gonna try to describe th procees
Draw shape
Shape drawn, not selected.
Select the drawn shape to draw on it to adjust it, its selected, you drawon on it, it still stays selected.
This was very useful. Because usually you just want it deselected on first draw, but sometimes you need to go in and adjust a particular shape and then youre mentall in the mode of massaging that shape and want it selected till youre done.
Please try the old pencil tool out and you will understand what i mean.
Please impelement this again.
Basically that the shape only deselect upon first draw. If reselected again it stays selected till you decide when to deselect it.
It worked like this for 20 years or however long the the pencil too has been around.