Adjusting the curve of the "type on the path" and be able to keep the type from distorting
This was actually a feature that USED to work on previous illustrators, since this month's update (October 2018), it stopped working. Basically, you make a circle shape, then you type on a path. But sometimes you want to be able to adjust/transform the curve (while keeping the Type same size and proportion) to see how it would lay without distorting the type. *Not the same as holding shift because that just keeps the curve the same shape, and it also make the type bigger or smaller. See image for a mock up of what it should look like in action. In yes row, if you transform A - B, see how the type stays the same size and proportion? It's just how it lays on the curve that changes. There use to be a command you can hold to do that. The "no" row is what is happening now when you try to adjust the curve with the type on it. Please bring this feature back!

I missed this one, sorry.
I check how Ai10 and CS6 behaved, and they both do the same as the most fresh versions regarding scaling the type on path objects — if the whole object is selected, it gets distorted when you distort it.It actually makes sense, although I do not know who wants to distort a text like this.
However, there is a method to do what you want — select the path specifically, using Group or Direct selection tool. Then scale it the way you want and only the path gets distorted, as intended.