Match display sizes across CC apps already. Please.
- Open AI
- Create new A4 document
- Display @ 100%
- Open ID
- Create new A4 document
- Display @ 100%
- View AI and ID windows side by side
- Compare sizes.
FFS! Please make apps sync real 100% size rendering of documents already. It‘s fundamental for graphic professionals to be able to view documents in real size. Why is this still not fixed.
100% is 100% irrespective of display resolution. Come on, it‘s 2017. Nobody is working on 72 dpi anymore. We all have 5K retina displays.
Please try to keep up, Adobe.

Ai now displays A4 as a proper 210×297mm (if Display Print Size at 100% Zoom option is set in Preferences) — you can check it with a ruler next to a screen.
This messes up 100% for Web-based documents, unfortunately, and this is yet have to be resolved.
InDesign, however, displays it a bit smaller… (this should be asked from InDesign developers).
Photoshop does it almost perfect when you choose View > Actual Size.