Master Illustrator File Placed in Multiple Illustrator Files OR Export Selected Layers Palette
In my line of work, we often time work in one single Illustrator file that has one basemap then multiple layers with each showing a specific thing separate from the other layers. However this gets tedious when exporting files where you have to select the layers you want, export as it's own name, deselect those layers and select the next batch of layers, export those under their own name, deselect those layers etc.
What would be great is if Illustrator had the ability to have something like a Master Layer that can bring in a basemap Illustrator file to have in the back of multiple files so I can just export normally with the ability of the Master Layer updating when you make changes to the linked file.
Otherwise, an option to choose what layers to export as what would be great too. Perhaps there's an Add Export Option in a window where you can select which layers to export and what the file format and name should be and a + button next to it to add another export option and when you're done, clicking the Export All button at the bottom

Lennart, why not to just place an .ai document as a master layer in another documents? Then each time when you update the master it’d be updated in all docs it is used in.
As for the second part — can Layer Comps solve your problem?