Placeholder text relative to your document
When you choose the type tool and click, the placeholder text defaults to 12pt. This means that the text is tiny if you have a large artboard (see attached). It would be cool if the placeholder text was sized relative to your artboard instead, so that it's easy to see and work with.

What Illustrator actually does is applying a default text size, defined by the current document profile’s [Normal Paragraph Style]. These settings are stored within the Paragraph Styles panel.
One can change this style for each profile (these Print, Web, Mobile, Film & Video, Art & Illustration) by editing the actual file Ai uses, for each profile.
There is an article on how to modify these and create your own: idea to automatically scale the font of the default preset relative to a document’s size (or a screen size)... well, it conflicts with the absolute nature of presets and styles.
Could work, but rather dangerous!
Even if this gets given as an option to us one can enable — users who doesn’t know about it won’t discover it, and those who know how document profiles work, don’t really need it...
And if it gets enabled by default — wow, this would break everything! 'Why my styles are not respected for new documents'?
...people can’t discover how to enable bounding box back if they accidentaly hit Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + B, and this option would be even harder to teach and learn.