Make grids more useful
I'm a fan of grids. I use the grid almost always whenever I need one.
I have to use the default 'In Back' grid and turn 'Overprint preview' on, to make the grid overlay my art, so I can see what I'm doing and where I'm snapping (because the cursor does not give any feedback about this).
But the method it's not perfect because of bugs I reported here and there.
So I propose to improve options we have.
Allow users to set grid’s color (check) and transparency, give an option to define line width — some monitors are too dense and huge to have 1px line.
It could be useful for dark designs, when the overprint-grid trick doesn't do much.

It looks like CADguides panel from the CADtools plugin offers a way to customize grid colors, without any relaunch. No way to make stroke weights and opacity though, but I suppose API just doesn’t allow this for plugins.
Sergey Osokin commented
It is realistic to have color control of subdivisions in the interface because Adobe already has it in code.
Sergey Osokin commented
In the App Preferences, we set a single grid color. But the subdivision lines are drawn in a lightened version of the grid color, which the user cannot control.
In scripting, there are grid color keys:
and subdivision color keys
Grid/Color/Light/b.Why not let users customize this color in the Illustrator interface? For example, two-color accent grids can be created for those who want to clearly see the dimensions of large and small cells.
Paul Messer commented
Currently we can set a color for gridlines. Could we specify a transparency for these lines too? Having gridlines in the foreground that do not completely write over the project would be great.
Derek S. commented
+1 for custom transparency level for grids