Add ability to rebind artboard names to their numbers
In my work I add and delete artboards during work.
When artboard is created, it's given a name, corresponding it's number.
When custom artboard is deleted, numbers of next artboards are shifted (it's OK), but names stay the same.
So when job is done, I can have something like this:
1. Artboard 6
2. Artboard 8
3. Artboard 9
4. Artboard 10
5. Artboard 12
and so forth
Since the last number is almost as noticeable as first one, it's hard to pick up correct ones for export.
I have a script written to fix this, which renames artboards to correspond their numbers, but it causes problem:
When these artboards are exported, they automatically get their number at the end of file names, like this:
But if a script renames them, AI starts thinking about them as custom names, and files looks like this:
[filename]-Artboard 22.tif
And since I have other batch routines to work with specific filenames, I could have used a command that rebinds names to numbers without messing up export filename.