Improve and allow customize the 'Show' info slot in the bottom bar (next to horizontal scrollbar)
Show field next to zoom and artboard selectors below work area can now show 5 things:
current artboard name, which is nowhere else is seen except Artboards palette;
current Tool, that is usually visible if Tools panel is on;
current date-time, which is visible in system clock;
number of undos, which was quite useful when RAM was tiny;
current profile, which is visible in document header.
I mean, almost every info available is also available in other place!
I would like to use this field as something exclusive:
number of selected objects (nowhere to be seen, only PathScribe plugin can show this in separate palette);
snapping status (grid/point/guides/smart on/off — we have to try now, or go to Preferences or drop down View command);
scaling effects/strokes status (on/off — try or go Preferences too);
current layer;
mouse clicks (I remember it was hidden, I miss it, it was useful as internal timer, but I don't miss eyes/moon/Ted/etc).

Some things in Illustrator are old and have never been touched since its release — like the info slot at the bottom.
For now we can choose from five options for it:
Artboard Name
Current Tool
Date and Time
Number of Undos
Document color profileSome of these are almost obsolete, some are still relevant, but still it's not that useful. How about these:
Layer name
Raster effects resolution
Snapping statuses (like to grid/point/pixel/glyph)
Last save date