Make ability to make warnings show in background and not in dialogue windows
Right now we can click OK/Enter every time interrupting warning dialogue pops up, or tick 'Never show again'.
I would prefer background message, same as 'Shape expanded' now appears.
For example, I use Ctrl+J combination to connect all my segments in one closed path. I can have two or more segments, and just press this combination several times to achieve my goal, rather then count how many times I should press it. But when path is finally closed, AI throws a warning at me. Usually my hands press keys one more time after that and AI beeps-blinks, which is awful — I expect this window to know my operation is done, but this is too much — this is no error, this is just awaited inapplicable operation. If AI would just pop up small gray badge 'Path is already closed' (AI knows exactly what I've selected), it would work so much better for me.

There are at least two more similar requests on the topic:
1. Warnings Popup Manager,
2. Option to disable the "Shape expanded" popup message,
Do you think these can be merged together? -
Krzysztof Chuć commented
Each day I get tens of unnecessary pop-up messages "Illustrator is saving a file. It will close it after saving is finished" (when I use Cmd+S, and then immediately Cmd+W).
At least you should add option "Don't show again".