Identify and name color swatches with human-readable names
There is a very handy tool in search engine, named 'Колдунщик' (literally 'Sorcererer', with triple 'er').
The way it works with colors is briefly described there (in Russian):
What it does is binds color names with color values. Some are quite standard, 'light blue', some are familiar, like 'bordeaux' (but every man think of different shade or even tone, speaking of it), some are very uncommon, like 'The color of the thigh of a frightened nymph' (it is a real color —
What if AI could name colors in a same way, when swatch is created (working in pair with a value method)?
For example, I create swatch HSV 39-29-100 and AI offers variants for naming it: 'C=0 M=11 Y=35 K=0' or 'Peach' or 'C=0 M=11 Y=35 K=0 Peach' or 'Peach C=0 M=11 Y=35 K=0'.

Thomas Celius Saldivar Pettersen commented
When I hover over or pick colors with the color picker inside the Solids settings panel in After Effects, it names the colour, such as "medium royal blue" or "dark red".
"Is this blue or just a purple with little red in it?" is the kind of question I often ask myself. Just hovering over something with the color picker and it tells me is super helpfull for someone in my sitiuation. Come on, you did it in After Effects(solids) already!:)
DG commented
Not likely going to happen. Illustrator is known as 'Frustrator' for very good reasons.
How about if I duplicate the swatch named "C=0 M=11 Y=35 K=0" and changed the black to 5%? One would assume the name could/would/should SOMEHOW change to "C=0 M=11 Y=35 K=5" w/o renaming the swatch manually, no?