Add Anchor Tool: Make it easier to add multiple anchors
When doing a complex drawing, I often start with a simple shape and then use the "Add Anchor Point" tool to add points to a line, near where I plan to place them (by clicking and dragging). For instance I'm drawing a partially constructed "Death Star" for a T-shirt I'm designing. I started with a circle, and on one side of the circle, I'm creating the (cartoonish) effect of a "ragged edge". This requires a sh*t load of anchor points, which have to be created by clicking on the perimeter of the founding circle, then moving slightly along the line, and finally aiming and clicking again. Emphasis on "aiming", which is quite tedious, since I miss 20 to 30% of the time.
It would be splendid if I could aim once, then repeatedly click, and watch little anchor points march along the line, spacing themselves, from each other, for easy click-and-drag, when it comes time to place the little buggers.
I saw the "More advanced 'Add Anchor Points' function" request, but it seems over complicated, so I didn't vote on it.
Steve, on the contrary I find your way is more complicated than existing request, which s quite fine (and already released as part of amazing VectorScribe plugin).
This gives more problems than solve — when exactly your marching points should stop? Will they stop at next existing point or move on? What will happen with distance you set when 'march' will cross next point — will it ignore it, or delete it, or start again from it? Which direction this march would head? How AI will know, which point do you intend as starting? How easy it would be to learn for a new users?Your way looks like a task for a script. What a beautiful script it could be!
But NOT a standard feature.
I wish I could write one.When I need to perform the same task, I use Roughen or Zig-Zag effect. You can always set 0 size after tweaking to have just points with no actual distorting.